Rick Gilsdorf

General Manager

Seed and Chemical Sales

Certified Crop Advisor

Cell Phone: 320-760-2983

Email: rick_bauerag@hotmail.com

Charlie Cardwell

Fertilizer Plant Manager

Fertilizer and Chemical Sales

Soil Testin/Scouting

Cell Phone: 320-287-2694

Kevin Johnson

Precision Planting Sales

Seed Sales

Chemical and Fertilizer Applicator

Cell Phone: 320-808-7206

Email: kjohnson_bcas@hotmail.com

Daryl Shippy

Seed, Chemical, & Fertilizer Sales

Soil Testing

Cell Phone: 320-305-0533

Elizabeth Bauer

Accounts Payable

Main Office

Office Phone: 320-748-7245

Chuck and Carol Bauer


Chuck: Aerial Application

Cell Phone: 320-760-0713

Carol: Office Manager

Office: 320-748-7245

Email: bauerag@hotmail.com

CJ Nagel


Cell Phone:


Michelle Taffe

Accounts Recievable

Main Office: 320-748-7245

Below is a list of phone numbers and email addresses you are welcomed to use as a resource to get ahold of us. We are never too busy to answer any questions you have regaurding the products and services we provide! 

The Bauer Ag Team

Devon Sanford


Chemical and Fertilizer Applicator

Cell Phone: 320-500-0084

Johnny Connelly


Fertilizer Applicator